Meet the 2025 Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellow!


About the Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellowship

The National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) established the Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellowship in 2022 to honor the remarkable legacy of NARHC co-founder and former Executive Director, Bill Finerfrock. A fierce advocate and policy leader for the Rural Health clinic program, Bill played a crucial role in the sustainability and growth of the program, leading us to where we are today with a seat at the table in policy-making rooms, sharing the value and importance of Rural Health Clinics.

The Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellowship celebrates Bill’s legacy by hosting a Rural Health Clinic professional in Washington, D.C. each summer to learn how to be a grassroots advocate and champion for the RHC program as well as bring a depth of knowledge about rural health and RHC operations to enhance NARHC’s expertise and the impact of its advocacy.

2025 Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellow

NARHC is thrilled to announce Liberty Pertiwi, MHA as the 2025 Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellow! Liberty serves as the Director of Primary Care Services – Linn County with Samaritan Health Services in Corvallis, Oregon with over a decade of experience serving in policy and healthcare administration roles. Liberty’s passion for healthcare policy has led her to Washington, D.C. several times throughout her career, first as a congressional intern and most recently at NARHC’s very own 2024 Policy Summit, advocating on behalf of Rural Health Clinics

Liberty shared, “The 2024 NARHC Policy Summit provided me with some insight into what this fellowship might look like, I realized how valuable policy work is for our RHCs… Advocating for RHCs also means you are advocating for the community you live in, the generations of families who are the bedrock of our rural areas.”

We look forward to the valuable expertise Liberty will contribute to NARHC during the Fellowship, bringing real-world stories and experiences from the Rural Health Clinic community to our policymakers in Washington, D.C., and helping shape RHC policy. NARHC is thrilled to support Liberty in learning federal and legislative processes and further her skills in grassroots advocacy for Rural Health Clinics. Liberty’s passion for advocacy and dedication to improving rural healthcare will be a valuable asset to the RHC program and to NARHC.

If you have any questions about the Fellowship, please don’t hesitate to contact