Newsletter - NOW NARHC Member Consultants Only

The NARHC Newsletter issues are published quarterly. Readership is approximately 5,500 individuals in Rural Health Clinics in 45 states across the nation.

  • Winter: January distribution
  • Spring: April distribution
  • Summer: July distribution
  • Fall: Sept.-Oct. distribution

Newsletter Rates:

  • Quarter page 4-color ad (1950 x 600 px) $250 per issue or $750 per year (4 issues)
  • Half page 4-color ad (2000 x 1357 px) $500 per issue or $1500 per year (4 issues)
  • Full page 4-color ad (1875 x 2500 px) $1,000 per issue or $3,000 per year (4 issues)

Website –

There are approximately 22,000 visitors to this site monthly. These numbers are growing as the website gains more dynamic content, a key goal for NARHC.

Corporate Advertiser: Logo (360x117 px) located on the front page and the majority of website pages. Includes a link to your website plus and advertisement on the Consultant & Vendors page. Website placement is dependent upon when payment and advertising materials are received.

Annual Rate: $2500/year – January - December

Consultants & Vendors Page: Logo (includes a link to your website), Business Name plus a four-line description of services (approx. 45 words). $900 Annual Rate

Click Here to download the Advertising Request Form.