National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) Mission Statement

The National Association of Rural Health Clinics mission is to educate and advocate for Rural Health Clinics, enhancing their ability to deliver cost-effective, quality health care to patients in rural, underserved communities.

What is the National Association of Rural Health Clinics?

National Association of Rural Health Clinics promotes rural health clinics as a means of improving and sustaining the availability of quality, cost-effective health care to patients in rural, medically underserved areas. NARHC works with Congress, federal agencies, and rural health allies to expand and protect the interests of rural health clinics. NARHC members can become actively engaged in the legislative and regulatory process through the Association.

What is the Rural Health Clinic Program?

The Rural Health Clinics program was created in 1977 to address the unmet health care needs in rural America. Rural health clinics receive enhanced Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements which allow clinicians to live and practice in rural, underserved areas of the country. All rural health clinics must utilize the skills of a Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner and focus on primary care.

Today, rural health clinics comprise an integral part of the nation’s health care delivery system. There are over 5,500 federally certified rural health clinics that provide primary care services to more than 38.7 million people in 47 states.

Why is NARHC so Important for You?

NARHC is a vital link between rural health clinics and federal legislators and regulators. We bring “real world” experience of rural health clinic practices to policy making and policymakers:

  • NARHC is unique. While there are other groups who represent rural hospitals, community health centers, and individual practitioners in addition to RHCs, only NARHC has a commitment focused solely on the RHC program.
  • NARHC is responsive. NARHC’s uniquely specific focus on the Rural Health Clinics Program, targets its membership’s policy and informational needs, such as current clinic certification guidelines and resources, and most recently the RHC Modernization Act.
  • NARHC is respected. The federal government, national media, and rural health community widely respect and recognize NARHC as the leading force in RHC policy. The federal government consults with NARHC to conduct research and analyze RHC policy.

How Will NARHC Help Your Practice?

Education ~ NARHC produces high quality RHC-specific content that can help you navigate a constantly shifting healthcare system. From TA Webinars, to NARHC Institutes, to NARHC Academy, we have you covered.

Advocacy ~

Regulatory Issues ~ NARHC works with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to ensure that new regulatory policies are helpful for rural health clinics.

Legislative ~ NARHC advocates on behalf of the rural health clinics community to Congress and other policymakers at the federal level. We engage in the healthcare policy debate to safeguard access to high quality healthcare in rural areas.