NARHC Celebrates 1,000 Members!


NARHC Celebrates 1,000 Members!


We are happy to report that the National Association of Rural Health Clinics hit a huge milestone this summer by crossing the one-thousand members mark! To celebrate this occasion, we would like to take a moment to thank everyone involved, reflect on the growth of NARHC, and talk briefly about the future of our association.

First and foremost, we want to thank all of our members for supporting the organization through your membership. We appreciate the trust your membership shows in our organization and we are working hard to make sure NARHC is returning value to you.

Our member support and growth has allowed us to invest more money and resources back into NARHC. As a result, we have been able to create new products such as the Certified Rural Health Clinic Professional (CRHCP) course and the forthcoming Introduction to Rural Health Clinics course. We have been able to expand our conferences, streamline our invoicing process, update our website, and sponsor two NARHC “Fly-ins” to Washington D.C. to advocate for the RHC Modernization Act all because our members continue to believe in and support NARHC.

“It is incredible to think about how far we have come as an organization.” NARHC Executive Director Bill Finerfrock explained “for a period of time in the '90s we were worried that we would have to shut NARHC down due to financial strain. But today we are investing back into the organization on multiple fronts and improving NARHC’s ability to serve the RHC community.”

“It is the board’s job to make sure that the organization is achieving its mission” NARHC President William Gill stated. “As our membership grows we are constantly evaluating how we can help our members and better enable RHCs to provide care to their communities.”

Looking ahead, NARHC remains committed to improving federal Rural Health Clinic policy. Healthcare, once again, appears poised to take center stage in the 2020 election and we are working hard to ensure that our voice is heard in the policy-making process. As the complexity of our healthcare system grows and new technologies develop, we must make sure that Rural Health Clinics are not left behind.

Once again, thank you to all our members, staff, board, sponsors, and volunteers for making this possible!