Archived News
Current Medicare Telehealth Flexibilities Set to Expire on March 31 Without Congressional Action
Congress is once again quickly approaching a telehealth cliff. Without passing additional legislation, current medical Medicare telehealth flexibilities will expire on March 31.

Meet the 2025 Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellow!
NARHC is thrilled to announce Liberty Pertiwi, MHA as the 2025 Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellow! Liberty serves as the Director of Primary Care Services – Linn County with Samaritan Health Services in Corvallis, Oregon with over a decade of experience serving in policy and healthcare administration roles.
NARHC’s 2025 RHC Policy Survey is Live: Your Response is Critical for the Future of the RHC Program!
As we transition to a new Congress and Administration, it is crucial for NARHC to prioritize advocacy efforts and policy changes that matter most to RHCs.
Congress Passes Short Term Funding Package with 3 Month Telehealth Extension
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs, NARHC
After a very tumultuous week here in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, Congress passed a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR), funding the federal government until March 14 and narrowly preventing a shutdown.
Call to Action - Telehealth Extension in Jeopardy
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs, NARHC
Congress Proposes Fix to RHC Telehealth Policy in End of Year Funding Deal
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs, NARHC
CMS Issues Change Request to Allow Category II Codes to Be Submitted on RHC Claims in 2025
NARHC has been engaging with CMS over the last year in an attempt to resolve the CPT Category II code issue for RHCs, including through a letter to the CMS Administrator. We are very pleased to report that CMS recently issued a CMS Change Request to allow Category II codes to be submitted on RHC claims beginning April 7, 2025.
Rural Health Clinics Secure Major Regulatory Wins in Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule
NARHC Washington, D.C.
On November 1, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule. NARHC is very pleased to report that the rule finalizes several Rural Health Clinic (RHC) specific policy proposals, as well as other provisions with positive implications for the RHC community
2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Released!
NARHC Washington DC
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) just issued the CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule.
Upcoming November 2nd Deadline for RHCs: Section 1557 Nondiscrimination Rule
Shriya Velichala, NARHC Intern
Earlier this year, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), released the Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities final rule, regarding Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Telehealth Awareness Week - Make Your Voice Heard
The American Telemedicine Association is celebrating the week of September 16th as “Telehealth Awareness Week.” NARHC is pleased to add its voice to the important discussion about how telehealth is used by the over 5,500 Rural Health Clinics nationwide and raise awareness about ways to improve it for our safety net providers.
Comments Due Monday, September 9th on the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
Make your voice heard on the many provisions impacting RHCs!
In early July, CMS published the 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule, containing numerous provisions with significant impacts for RHCs.

FTC Noncompete Ban Blocked
Ban will no longer take effect September 4, 2024
On August 20, a federal judge blocked the Non-Compete Clause rule, citing a lack of authority of the FTC to enact the ban. Therefore, this ban is on hold, and will not go into effect September 4th.

Summary of CY25 CMS Proposed Rules for RHCs
Eliminates Productivity Standards, Modifies Lab Requirements, and Seeks to Clarify “Primarily Engaged in Primary Care,” Among Other Key Provisions for RHCs
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Director of Government Affairs
On July 10th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Proposed Rule. This year’s 2,248 page rule, contains several Rural Health Clinic (RHC) specific policy proposals, as well as other provisions with implications for the RHC community.

CMS Publishes Annual Proposed Rules with Significant RHC Provisions
7/10/2024 5:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
This afternoon, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Proposed Rule.

Stories Told and RHC Program Elevated: 2024 NARHC Policy Summit Recap
Plus, an invite to a live debrief webinar of the summit!
NARHC Washington DC
Last week, nearly 40 Rural Health Clinic representatives flew to Washington, D.C. to elevate the voice of the RHC program on Capitol Hill at the 2024 NARHC Policy Summit.
Congressional Committees Advance Dueling Telehealth Bills
RHC Telehealth Reimbursement Policy Remains Uncertain
Jeffrey Burke, Deputy Director of Government Affairs, NARHC
As Congress approaches the December 31st deadline to extend Medicare telehealth flexibilities, key committees in Congress have advanced differing pieces of legislation that will dictate federal telehealth policy in the years ahead.

HHS Finalizes Section 1557 Nondiscrimination Rule
“Covered Entities” Include all RHCs
NARHC Washington DC
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) recently released a final rule regarding section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), titled Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities.

VA Harnesses Telehealth and Virtual Tools To Deliver High-Quality Health Care to Rural Veterans
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Office of Connected Care
More than 4.4 million Veterans in the United States reside in rural areas. That is almost one- quarter of the nation’s Veteran population. Veterans in rural areas often face unique health care challenges not shared by their suburban and urban counterparts. For example,
New Workforce Rules: Federal Trade Commission Bans Non-Competes, Department of Labor Redefines Overtime
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
CMS Releases Two Finalized Medicaid Access Rules
CMS to Require States to Publish FFS Medicaid Payment Rates and Assess MCO Network Adequacy
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
Continuing the busy regulatory season, CMS released two substantial Medicaid rules, Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services and Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality, intended to advance access to care and quality of care for both Medicaid fee-for-service and Medicaid managed care patients.

Survey Emphasizes Scale and Significance of the RHC Program
RHCs Provide Services for Over 62% of Rural America
Vencetia Flournoy
According to a 2024 Policy Survey conducted by the National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) serve over 62% of rural Americans. “We are deeply appreciative of the responsiveness from RHCs across the country” said Sarah Hohman, NARHC’s Director of Government Affairs. “Their feedback and data are critical to the future of NARHC and the RHC program as we work to understand and represent the experiences and priorities of the 5,400+ RHCs.”
Telehealth Policy and Politics Update
Join NARHC’s Advocacy Efforts to Protect and Expand Telehealth for RHCs!
Jeffrey Burke, Deputy Director of Government Affairs, NARHC
NARHC recently launched a new campaign to help members of the RHC community advocate on the importance of telehealth.

Make Your Voice Heard – Medicare Advantage Request for Information
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs, NARHC & Jeffrey Burke, Deputy Director of Government Affairs, NARHC
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking comments on Medicare Advantage (MA) data. This is an opportunity for RHCs to weigh in on issues surrounding MA, including shortcomings in existing data and areas where new data collection and publication would be helpful.
NARHC Elevates CPT Category II Code Issue with Advocacy to the CMS Administrator
NARHC Elevates CPT Category II Code Issue with Advocacy to the CMS Administrator

CMS Releases New RHC Fact Sheet
Clarifies G0511 Add-On Code Policy
CMS recently released an updated MLN06398, Information for Rural Health Clinics, updating several sections of the fact sheet to reflect policies finalized in 2024 rules.

Register for the 2024 Policy Summit!
2/16/2024 12:00:00 PM
This summer, we will be hosting a Policy Summit in Washington, D.C.!

NARHC Selects 2024 Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellow
Levi Baysinger, Greene County General Hospital, Linton, Indiana
I want to take a moment to tell you a bit about myself and explain why I am thrilled to participate in the Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellowship.

CMS Takes Positive Step Forward in Addressing Prior Authorization Wait Times and Denials
1/25/2024 10:00:00 AM
Vencetia Flournoy, NARHC Intern and Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs

HRSA RHC COVID-19 Testing Supply Program
Enrollment Scheduled to Close in Early 2024
We wanted to share with you a few important updates regarding the HRSA RHC COVID-19 Testing Supply Program. All RHCs that are not yet enrolled in the program, but wish to order these supplies in the future, are encouraged to enroll as soon as possible. HRSA will stop accepting new enrollments in this program in early 2024. To enroll, please:

CMS Finalizes 2024 Regulatory Updates
Provides MHC and MFT Coverage Details, Adds Remote Patient Monitoring and other services to G0511, Among Other Key Provisions for RHCs
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs

RHC Opportunities in the Inflation Reduction Act
10/31/2023 11:00:00 AM
Olivia Persinger, NARHC Intern
Have you considered buying an electric vehicle for your rural health clinic (RHC)? Do you have a sunny spot ripe for solar panels? If so, consider taking advantage of the benefits within the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). Signed into law in August of 2022 by President Biden

Empowering Your Patients: Resources for Medicare Open Enrollment Available Now!
10/26/2023 11:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs & Olivia Persinger, Intern
NARHC/NRHA Joint Statement on Primary Care Funding Legislation
9/18/2023 6:00:00 AM
Nathan Baugh, Executive Director
New Research Shows RHC Program Continues to Grow
9/11/2023 8:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
The National Center for the Analysis of Healthcare Data (NCAHD), working together with the NARHC Research and Education Foundation (REF), recently completed research on the market health of the Rural Health Clinics (RHC) program. This research was designed to give policymakers and the rural health community a more detailed picture of trends occurring in the RHC program across the United States. You can find the full NCAHD research and methodology report here.

House Ways and Means Committee Seeks Information on Addressing Access to Care in Rural and Underserved Communities
9/8/2023 11:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
This week, the House Ways and Means Committee, led by Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released a Request for Information (RFI) on addressing access to health care challenges in rural, underserved communities.

CY24 CMS Proposed Rules Summary for RHCs
Provides MHC and MFT Coverage Details, Adds Remote Patient Monitoring and other services to G0511, Among Other Key Provisions for RHCs
8/4/2023 8:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
On July 13th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Proposed Rule, as well as the 2024 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective System (HOPPS) Proposed Rule. This year’s 2,033 page and 963 page rules, respectively, contain several Rural Health Clinic (RHC) specific policy proposals, as well as other provisions with implications for the RHC community.
New Details on Medicare Coverage of Marriage and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors in RHCs
Beginning January 1, 2024
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
The CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Proposed Rule implements provisions from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 passed by Congress in December, including allowing RHCs to bill for Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) and Mental Health Counselors (MHCs) beginning January 1, 2024.
2024 MPFS Proposes Expansion of Services Billable as G0511
RHCs Eligible for Remote Patient Monitoring and Other Care Management Reimbursement
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
The CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Proposed Rule vastly expanded the care management related services billable in RHCs under the general care management code of G0511, beginning January 1, 2024.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Details Proposed
New Treatment Category Billable in RHCs Beginning January 1, 2024
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
The CY 2024 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (HOPPS) Proposed Rule implements provisions from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 passed by Congress in December regarding the new treatment category “Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)” services.

Proposed Change to the RHC Nurse Practitioner Definition and Implementation of Various Telehealth Provisions
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
Additional provisions included in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Proposed Rule relevant to RHCs includes a proposed change to the definition of a Nurse Practitioner certified for practice in a RHC, as well the implementation of various telehealth policies passed by Congress.

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission Report Recommends Continuation of RHC Telehealth Special Payment Rule
NARHC Disagrees with Recommendations
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs

MACs to Adjust RHC Payment Error
6/22/2023 11:00:00 AM
Nathan Baugh, Executive Director
NARHC is aware of an issue, likely caused by a Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) update, that is causing Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) to reimburse RHCs incorrectly.

CMS Rescinds COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Requirements
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs

RHC Burden Reduction Act Introduced in the House of Representatives
by Rep. Adrian Smith, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Rep. Jill Tokuda, and Rep. Kelly Armstrong
5/25/2023 1:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs

Resources for the Approaching End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
5/5/2023 11:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
The Biden Administration will be officially ending the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) on May 11, 2023. The PHE has been renewed approximately every 90-days since January 27, 2020. At the onset of the PHE, many waivers and flexibilities were granted across the health care industry to reduce administrative burden, increase access to care, and more. Since then, many of the flexibilities have been granted permanent coverage, or given a timeline separate from the PHE.

Sixty Percent of Rural Americans Served by Rural Health Clinics
4/7/2023 10:30:00 AM
According to a recent survey performed by the National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC), over 60% of rural Americans are served by Rural Health Clinics.

CMS Releases Intermediate Policy on RHC Rurality Determinations
3/31/2023 3:00:00 PM
Nathan Baugh, Executive Director, and Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs

NARHC Escalates “Urbanized Area” Issue – CMS Policy Urgently Needed
3/6/2023 1:00:00 PM
Nathan Baugh, Executive Director, and Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs

The Approaching End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and Its Implications for RHCs
2/24/2023 11:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
Earlier this month, the Biden Administration announced their intent to end the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) on May 11, 2023. The PHE has been renewed approximately every 90-days since January 27, 2020.

NARHC Selects 2023 Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellow
Michael Tackitt, Brownfield Regional Medical Center, Brownfield, Texas
RHC Burden Reduction Act Introduced by Senators Barrasso, Smith, Blackburn, and Bennet
2/1/2023 6:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs

RHC COVID-19 Testing & Mitigation Closeout Reporting Due January 31st
1/19/2023 3:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, Deputy Director of Government Affairs

Forthcoming Grant Opportunities for Rural Health Clinics
1/18/2023 2:00:00 PM
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs

2020 Census Changes Leave Rural Health Clinics in Legal Grey Area
1/13/2023 12:00:00 PM
Nathan Baugh, NARHC Executive Director

2023 NARHC Policy Survey ~ Medicare Advantage & Telehealth Data Needed!
1/12/2023 2:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Director of Government Affairs
Congress Passes FY2023 Omnibus
12/23/2022 12:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Director of Government Affairs

Medicare Covers Two Additional Provider Types in the RHC Setting
12/22/2022 9:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Director of Government Affairs

CAA, 2023 Extends Medicare Telehealth Policy Through 2024
12/20/2022 12:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Director of Government Affairs

Upcoming COVID-19 Program Deadlines
PRF Period 4 and RHCCTM Programs Conclude on December 31!
12/15/2022 12:00:00 PM
Mo Sullivan

CMS Delays Enforcement on Phase II of Good Faith Estimate Policy
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Director of Government Affairs

NARHC Submits RHC Feedback on Good Faith Estimate Regulation
11/17/2022 8:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Director of Government Affairs

Significant Mental Health Legislation Advances within House
9/23/2022 12:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
The House Ways and Means Committee marked up several bipartisan mental health bills this week and advanced the legislative package to the full House of Representatives.

House Passes Bipartisan Telehealth Policy Extension for Two Years
Seeks to Continue RHC Telehealth Reimbursement Under Special Payment Rule
8/1/2022 10:00:00 AM
Sarah Hohman, Director of Government Affairs
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule 2023 Proposed Rule Summary
Sarah Hohman, Deputy Director of Government Affairs

2% Medicare Sequester Back in Full Effect July 1
Why does it feel like another Medicare cut is always looming?
7/12/2022 12:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, Deputy Director of Government Affairs

$5 Million for RHC Behavioral Health Initiative Included in House Appropriations Report
6/29/2022 1:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, Deputy Director of Government Affairs
We are excited to share that the just-released House Committee on Appropriations report, which serves as an explanation of the appropriations bill for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies, includes $5 million to support expanded access to behavioral health services at rural health clinics, as described in President Biden’s 2023 budget request.

Important RHC Behavioral Health Provisions Proposed in President’s FY 2023 Budget
Sarah Hohman, Deputy Director of Government Affairs

Omnibus Extends Telehealth Beyond Public Health Emergency
G2025 Special Payment Rule for Telehealth Continues
3/27/2022 4:00:00 PM
Earlier this month, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 which funded the government for the rest of fiscal year 2022. This bill, also known as the “omnibus” was widely viewed as the last major legislative vehicle for health policy changes until after the mid-term elections.

Supreme Court Upholds CMS Vaccine Mandate in All 50 States
1/13/2022 4:00:00 PM
Nathan Baugh, NARHC Director of Government Affairs
Today, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 ruling to reinstate the CMS COVID Vaccine Mandate policy in all 50 states.

Good Faith Estimate Details
12/21/2021 5:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, Deputy Director of Government Affairs
The Good Faith Estimate provision of the No Surprises Act will go into effect on January 1, 2022. NARHC hosted a webinar on December 14th outlining these new rules. Following the webinar we prepared a summary of the regulation and common questions. I encourage you to review the slides and recording here as well as this Q&A document.

Free Over-The-Counter COVID Tests for RHCs - Order Now!
12/20/2021 10:00:00 AM
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
In early December, the Biden Administration announced that they would be distributing Over-The-Counter COVID tests to certain health care facilities including Rural Health Clinics. Today, that program launches for all 5,000 rural health clinics nationwide. If you follow the steps below, and complete your order by Tuesday you should be able to get some tests from the first shipment!

CMS Vaccine Mandate Rules Released
12/16/2021 10:00:00 AM
Nathan Baugh
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published their federal vaccine mandate interim final rule with comment period (IFC) on November 4th. CMS also published an FAQ covering the most important aspects of the rule.

Biden Administration Announces Plans to Distribute Free At-Home COVID Testing Kits Through RHCs
12/2/2021 6:00:00 PM
Yesterday, the Biden Administration announced that they will be making 50 Million COVID-19 at-home testing kits available – free of charge – for distribution by Rural Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers to the communities they serve.

Medicare Physician Fee Schedule 2022 Final Rule Summary
11/15/2021 4:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, Deputy Director of Government Affairs
Today, CMS released the CY 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule, finalizing or altering several key provisions originally proposed in July 2021.

Applying for Phase 4 of the Provider Relief Fund and the ARP Rural Distribution
New Funding Opportunities for RHCs Available Now
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Deputy Director of Government Affairs
On September 29, 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) opened the applications for providers to apply for Phase 4 of the Provider Relief Fund as well as a rural specific allocation included in the American Rescue Plan.

Clarification of COVID-19 Relief Funding Programs
NARHC would like to provide some additional clarification on the differences between a variety of COVID-19 relief funding programs that RHCs received, to ensure that you are confident in your allowable uses and reporting requirements for each program. Please review the matrix below and see all of our continuously updated resources on

Medicare Physician Fee Schedule 2022 Proposed Rule Summary
2022 MPFS: New RHC Telehealth and Grandfathering Policies
7/26/2021 10:00:00 AM
Nathan Baugh, NARHC Director of Government Affairs and Sarah Hohman, NARHC Government Affairs Associate
On July 13th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the CY 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule. This year’s rule includes several significant Rural Health Clinic (RHC) policy proposals in the 1,747-page document...

RHCs Receive $100,000 for COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation Activities
Resources Available Now to Help You Best Use the Funding
7/8/2021 1:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Government Affairs Associate
In early June, as a result of the American Rescue Plan, the federal government distributed $424.7 million to over 4,200 eligible RHCs as part of the Rural Health Clinic COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation (RHCCTM) Fund. In late summer, the federal government will provide an additional $35.3 million in funding to RHCs who did not receive the June allocation but have since become eligible...

Provider Relief Fund Reporting Details Released
RHCs Must Use Most PRF Funds by June 30, 2021
6/21/2021 12:00:00 PM
Sarah Hohman, NARHC Government Affairs Associate
On June 11, 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released new guidance on the Provider Relief Fund (PRF) with the most detailed explanation of the reporting and auditing requirements to date...

Coming Soon - New HHS Funding for Rural Health Clinics
Announcement from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
5/14/2021 11:38:00 AM
The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) will be making new U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) funding available for Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) to strengthen COVID-19 testing and mitigation and increase vaccine confidence.

President Biden Announces Trio of RHC COVID-19 Initiatives
RHC COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation Program to Allocate $100,000 per RHC
5/4/2021 5:00:00 PM
Today, President Biden announced in a White House press release a trio of COVID-19 initiatives involving rural health clinics.
CMS Updates Transmittal to MACs Regarding New RHC Upper Payment Limits
5/4/2021 3:45:00 PM
On May 4th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) updated Change Request 12185, which is the main document from CMS implementing the new RHC Upper Payment Limits from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.

RHC Grandfathering Fix Signed into Law
4/15/2021 10:00:00 AM
Nathan Baugh
As expected, on April 14th, President Biden signed H.R. 1868 into law, fixing many of the issues with the RHC payment modernization law enacted in December. The legislation also retroactively extends the suspension of the 2% across-the-board Medicare sequestration through the end of 2021. Since April 1, CMS had been holding claims pending passage of this legislation, we expect CMS to lift this hold imminently.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Paused
4/14/2021 11:00:00 AM
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) within the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has asked us to provide the following alert on the Johnson and Johnson (J&J) vaccine pause

New Upper Payment Limits Begin April 1st
RHC Grandfathering Fix Expected to Pass the House Soon
4/1/2021 10:00:00 AM
Today, the Rural Health Clinic (RHC) per visit upper payment limit increases from $87.52 to $100. The increased upper payment limit is a direct result of the payment changes included in Section 130 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. Some Medicare Administrative Contractors have already sent out letters to RHCs informing them of the increased upper limit and how it will affect their All-Inclusive Rate payments.

Survey Results: COVID-19 Vaccine Activities in Rural Health Clinics
3/26/2021 10:00:00 AM
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
“We are glad to see that the majority of RHCs are actively involved in administering the vaccine to their communities,” said Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director of the National Association of Rural Health Clinics.

Medicare Sequester Bill with RHC Grandfathering Fix Passes House
3/19/2021 4:00:00 PM
The House of Representatives today, by a vote of 246 to 175 has passed H.R. 1868. The bill waives a 2% across-the-board Medicare sequester that expires at the end of March and another 4% sequester cut that would take effect in 2022. The House bill also contains...

American Rescue Plan Provides $9 Billion for Rural Providers
3/12/2021 4:00:00 PM
Yesterday, President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan into law. We are happy to report that the legislation includes a total of $9 billion for rural providers. Early versions and outlines of the American Rescue Plan did not meaningfully include rural providers and...
New & Expanded Flexibilities for RHCs & FQHCs during the COVID-19 PHE
2/24/2021 1:00:00 PM
CMS revised this MLN Matters article to provide the updated rate effective January 1, 2021, for G2025. You’ll find substantive content updates and the updated rate for G0071.

Education Loan Repayment Program for RHCs
Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program Now Open to For-Profit and Not-For-Profit RHCs
2/19/2021 12:00:00 PM
Joe Lampard, VP, HPSA Acumen
The Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program has in the past only been open to non-profit RHC’s. As of 2021 they now are accepting for-profit RHC applicants. The program forgives 60% of the nurse’s education debt over a two-year period with the option to renew for a third year for a total of 85% of the nurse’s education debt forgiven.

Telehealth Reimbursement Set at $99.45 for 2021
1/29/2021 3:00:00 PM
According to a recently released Relative Value Unit (RVU) file, payment for RHC telehealth visits (G2025) appears to be falling from $92.03 in 2020 to $53.74 in 2021. The steep decline in reimbursement is mostly due to the complete removal of the Practice Expense RVU from G2025.

Rural Health Clinic Modernization Included in Final COVID Package
12/21/2020 5:00:00 PM
NARHC is pleased to report that Medicare reimbursement for RHCs will undergo a massive overhaul as part of the year-end COVID-19 relief and appropriations package passed by Congress. Notably, the RHC cap will be raised to $100 on April 1, 2020 and then the cap will gradually rise each year to $190 in 2028.

Medicare Payment Updates for RHCs
Telehealth (G2025) Coinsurance and Reimbursement Policy Updated
12/8/2020 9:00:00 AM
The MLN Matters SE20016 was recently updated in a way that significantly alters G2025 reimbursement policy. The updated section is as follows...

HRSA to Pay RHCs Who Have Not Yet Received RHC COVID-19 Testing Program Funds on Monday
12/4/2020 6:00:00 PM
After a long approval process, HRSA has informed NARHC and NOSORH that RHCs who missed out on the initial RHC COVID-19 testing fund allocation will be receiving payments on Monday. As a result, 184 RHCs, who did not receive $49,461.42 in May, will receive this money next week.

2021 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Released
CMS Finalizes Principal Care Management for Rural Health Clinics
12/3/2020 5:30:00 PM
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released their 2021 Physician Fee Schedule final rule on December 1st and as expected, Rural Health Clinics will be able to bill for Principal Care Management services beginning in 2021.

Data Collection Site Launched for the RHC COVID-19 Testing Program
10/16/2020 8:00:00 AM
Tuesday, October 6, we launched the online portal to collect data on COVID-19 testing at Rural Health Clinics. The website is the official data collection portal for the RHC COVID-19 Testing Program which means that all RHCs that received money ($49,461.42 per RHC) from the RHC COVID-19 Testing Program are required to report through this portal per the terms and conditions of the program.

CMS Clarifies that Provider Relief Funds & Paycheck Protection Program Loans will NOT Offset Expenses on Medicare Cost Report
9/1/2020 3:15:00 PM
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
CMS clarified in guidance that providers who received provider relief funds (PRF) and/or paycheck protection program (PPP) loans would not need to offset expenses on their Medicare cost report by the amount received through those programs. This is a huge victory for providers reimbursed through cost-based systems such as rural health clinics and critical access hospitals who faced the prospect of having their Medicare reimbursement reduced because they received COVID-19 funds....
CMS Proposes to Expand Principal Care Management to RHCs in 2021
8/6/2020 9:45:00 AM
In 2021, Rural Health Clinics should be able to bill for Principal Care Management (PCM) through the G0511 code. Back in January, we had to clarify that RHCs were excluded from being able to provide PCM in 2020 due to confusing language in the final physician fee schedule rule. At that time, we asked CMS to allow RHCs to provide PCM in 2021, and we are glad to report that they have now proposed to do exactly that.

President Trump Issues Executive Order Focused on Rural Health
8/3/2020 7:30:00 PM
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
President Trump signed an Executive Order late on Monday aimed at improving rural health and telehealth access. At his news conference afterward, President Trump specifically notated the number of “rural health clinics” that received funds as a result of the CARES Act.

Changes to Telehealth Will Require YOUR Advocacy
Congress Considering Permanent Telehealth Changes
7/22/2020 12:00:00 PM
Emma Finerfrock
When the Coronavirus pandemic first struck the United States, healthcare facilities across the country suffered a steep decline in patient volume that threatened the financial viability of many hospitals and offices. In fact, researchers from Phreesia, a healthcare technology company, and Harvard University found that outpatient visits alone declined by nearly 60 percent in early April.

HHS Releases Millions for RHCs Left Out of Initial Provider Relief Fund Distribution
6/25/2020 12:00:00 PM
NARHC is pleased to announce that earlier today, the Department of Health and Human Services released more the $50 Million dollars in Relief Fund payments to RHCs that were left out of the original May 1 RHC distribution. This money is in addition to the more than $500 Million distributed to all other RHCs in early May.

Telehealth Fix Takes Step Forward in Senate
6/22/2020 2:45:00 PM
Nathan Baugh, Emma Finerfrock
On June 18th, the Improving Telehealth for Underserved Communities Act was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) and Sen. Angus King (I-ME). “Thanks to the leadership of Sen. Hyde-Smith and Sen. King, the RHC community is one step closer to fixing our telehealth reimbursement issues,” said Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director of the National Association of Rural Health Clinics.

How to Apply for the Medicaid/CHIP Targeted Allocation
6/19/2020 11:25:00 AM
Emma Finerfrock
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is hosting two, free webinars to help providers apply for the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) targeted allocation. This targeted allocation will only be sent to Medicaid and CHIP providers who did not receive any funds from the “General Allocation” which began paying out on April 10th.

CMS Pushes Supplementals to Recognize Telehealth Crossover Claims
6/12/2020 4:15:00 PM
Nathan Baugh
As many of you have noted on the NARHC forums, telehealth visit (G2025) crossover claims were being denied. We begin investigating this issue and learned that the CMS contractor for “edit validation” failed to load G2025 into their system until May 27th. This means...

Amendments to Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Provide More Flexibility
6/11/2020 11:30:00 AM
Nathan Baugh & Emma Finerfrock
On Friday, June 5, 2020, the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA) of 2020 was signed into law. This legislation relaxes requirements in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and was passed in response to small business concerns about the requirements to qualify for loan forgiveness.

HHS Announces Details of RHC COVID-19 Testing Fund
5/20/2020 2:25:00 PM
HHS has announced details regarding the Rural Health Clinic Testing fund in a press release here:
Congress Introduces Improving Telehealth for Underserved Communities Act
H.R. 6792 Allows RHCs to be Paid AIR for Telehealth Visit
5/12/2020 11:00:00 AM
On May 8th, Representative Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Representative Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ) introduced the Improving Telehealth for Underserved Communities Act. The National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) strongly endorses this legislation and we sincerely thank Rep. Smith and Rep. O’Halleran for their leadership on this issue. Both members were instrumental in getting the law changed to allow rural health clinics (RHCs) and

UPDATE: HHS Initial Plan for Rural Health Distribution Does NOT Include All RHCs
5/5/2020 6:30:00 PM
Last Friday, NARHC Executive Director Bill Finerfrock participated in a phone call with Deputy Secretary Hargan regarding the $10 billion rural provider relief allocation. After this call, we published a brief news article about the allocation. However, we are now learning that some of the details initially communicated to NARHC were inaccurate. HHS reached out to us today to correct the record.

Rural Provider Relief Fund Details Announced
All RHCs to receive a minimum of $100,000
5/1/2020 4:30:00 PM
Today, the Trump Administration announced additional details regarding the distribution of $10 Billion from the Provider Relief fund for rural hospitals and rural health clinics and rural federally qualified health centers. As part of this announcement, National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) Executive Director Bill Finerfrock was invited...

CMS Revises Telehealth Distant Site Guidance
Audio-Only Visits Now Considered Full Telehealth Distant Site Visits
4/30/2020 4:00:00 PM
On April 30th, 2020, CMS significantly updated their telehealth guidance for RHCs and FQHCs. There are two massive changes. First, ALL distant site telehealth visits must be billed with HCPCS code G2025.

Pediatric RHCs Excluded from Provider Relief Fund?
4/28/2020 12:00:00 PM
The National Association of Rural Health Clinics has been working with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to address the exclusion of Pediatric RHCs from the General Distribution of money from the Provider Relief Fund. We believe that HHS understands this problem and will not repeat this oversight in the next release of funds.

Financial Programs for Rural Health Clinics During COVID-19 Pandemic
4/28/2020 6:00:00 AM
The federal government recognizes that the health care industry is in the midst of both a public health crisis and a financial crisis and while it may or may not be enough, they have appropriated $175 billion thus far to keep our industry afloat. This $175 billion has been split into multiple allocations for different purposes and it comes on top of other programs, such as the Paycheck Protection Program and the Medicare Accelerated Payment Program.

$225 Million Grant Program Approved for Rural Health Clinics
4/24/2020 3:15:00 PM
We are pleased to report that the Congress is set to approve a new $225 MILLION grant program exclusively for federally certified Rural Health Clinics for testing and related expenses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

HHS Announces $10 Billion for Rural Health Clinics and Rural Hospitals
4/22/2020 4:30:00 PM
On April 22, 2020, HHS updated their provider relief website with additional information about how they plan to spend the rest of the $100 billion allocated for healthcare providers by the CARES Act.

CMS Allows RHCs to Temporarily Expand During PHE
4/22/2020 12:00:00 PM
CMS updated their document on COVID-19 waivers today to allow RHCs to temporarily expand locations during the public health emergency. Here is the relevant section:

CMS Releases Guidance on Telehealth Billing for RHCs
4/17/2020 1:15:00 PM
CMS has released the long-awaited guidance on telehealth billing for RHCs. Here is a link to the MLN document: UPDATED 4/21/2020
Telehealth Grant Opportunities for Non-Profit and Publicly Owned RHCs
4/14/2020 1:00:00 PM
The CARES Act included $200 million in funding (via grants) to help health care providers establish telehealth services and non-profit/publicly owned RHCs are eligible to apply for these grants. The grant money can be used to “purchase telecommunications, information services, and connected devices to provide connected care services in response to the coronavirus pandemic.”

COVID-19 Updates
Direct Deposits, Supervision Relaxation, Staffing Requirements Changed, and Modifier CS!
4/10/2020 12:00:00 PM
Direct Deposits The CARES Act included $100 billion for providers to cover their “lost revenue.” This morning HHS paid out the first $30 billion to providers based on Medicare revenues from last year, no application necessary.

NARHC Pressures CMS to Finalize Telehealth Methodology
4/7/2020 4:00:00 PM
It gives us no great pleasure to have to write this letter but it is important that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) leadership, the President, Congress and the American people know what CMS has been doing over the last few weeks to cause enduring harm to the healthcare delivery system in rural communities around the country.

RHC Relief Options in Recently Signed CARES Legislation
March 30, 2020 - 11:20 AM
3/30/2020 11:20:00 AM
On Friday, March 27, President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. There are several provisions in this new law that will directly affect Rural Health Clinics and your ability to remain open to see patients during the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, there are three provisions of the bill that I wanted to go through:

CARES Act Signed Into Law
RHCs Now Able to Bill Medicare As Distant Site Providers
3/27/2020 5:00:00 PM
UPDATE: The CARES Act has officially been signed into law by President Trump. CMS is holding internal discussions on how to operationalize the telehealth provisions and may be able to release guidance soon. RHCs may now provide telehealth visits to Medicare patients with confidence that they will be paid for those visits. Billing details are still forthcoming.

CARES Act Passes House
***This story is developing and we will update this article as more details become available***
3/27/2020 3:00:00 PM
UPDATE: The CARES Act has passed the House of Representatives and is expected to be signed into law today by President Trump. CMS is holding internal discussions on how to operationalize the telehealth provisions and may be able to release guidance shortly after the President’s signature.
Rural Health Clinic Relevant Provisions in the CARES Act
Legislation Provides Access to Liquidity for Small Businesses
3/26/2020 5:00:00 PM
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or CARES Act passed the Senate by a vote of 96-0 on Wednesday, March 25th and is expected to be passed by the House and signed into law by President Trump on Friday, March 27th. This historic legislation is one of the largest spending bills ever passed by Congress, but lawmakers have already signaled that a fourth round of COVID-19 related legislation is necessary and work will begin on that legislation immediately...

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Passes Senate
Phase 3 Coronavirus Legislation Expands Telehealth to RHCs as the Distant Site
3/25/2020 12:00:00 PM
***This story is developing and we will update this article as more details become available***

Cost Report Filing Deadlines Delayed
3/24/2020 12:00:00 PM
Will CMS delay the filing deadline of Fiscal Year End (FYE) December 31, 2019 cost reports due at the end of May due to the Covid-19 outbreak?

Members of Congress Urge Congressional Leadership to Fix RHC Telehealth Issues
3/20/2020 5:00:00 PM
Washington D.C. ~ Representative Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Representative Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ) sent a bipartisan letter today to Congressional leadership urging them to adopt a solution for RHCs and FQHCs regarding telehealth visits during the COVID-19 pandemic. NARHC worked closely with Representative Smith and Representative O’Halleran on this effort. You can read the full letter...

NARHC Sends Letter to Congress on Teleheath Issues
3/18/2020 12:00:00 PM
In the past few days, we have seen Congress move expeditiously to expand our nation's capacity to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic including a significant expansion of the Telehealth benefit for Medicare patients. Unfortunately, this expanded telehealth authority does not extend to the patients of rural health clinics or community health centers in underserved rural and urban areas.

NARHC Sends Letter to Trump Administration on Telehealth Services During Covid-19 Pandemic
3/13/2020 5:00:00 PM
CMS regulations finalized in the 1970s are currently hampering the response to Covid-19 in rural areas. As you know, the CDC is encouraging patients to seek care from their home if they are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. While fee-for-service offices are able to offer telehealth services to Medicare patients in their homes and bill for them, rural health clinics cannot. This is because rural health clinics...

New Medicare Mandate: Appropriate Use Criteria
Affects Orders for Advanced Imaging
This year, you may begin hearing from the imaging departments or imaging facilities in your area about something called the "Appropriate Use Criteria" or clinical decision support mandate. Imaging centers may begin asking for or requiring that you provide them with additional information before they can move forward with an advanced image on your Medicare patients...

RHCs Excluded from Principal Care Management Benefit in 2020
In 2020, Rural Health Clinics may not bill for Principal Care Management. Principal Care Management (PCM) is a new benefit that Medicare will cover in 2020. It is very similar to the chronic care management (CCM) benefit, except for the fact that patients can qualify for principal care management services with only one chronic condition, whereas CCM services can only be provided to patients with at least two chronic conditions.

New RHC Policy Review, Annual Evaluation, and Emergency Preparation Final Rule 0938-AT23
Effective November 30, 2019
CMS has issued final rule RIN 0938-AT23, which affects CAHs, RHCs, FQHCs, and other facility types. The following summary is taken in whole from the parts affecting RHCs §491 in the rule:

CMS Relaxes Policy on Emergency Drugs and Biologicals for RHCs
9/16/2019 10:00:00 AM
NARHC is happy to report that CMS is significantly altering their guidance policy regarding emergency drugs and biologicals required in rural health clinics. This change is effective immediately.

NARHC Celebrates 1,000 Members!
We are happy to report that the National Association of Rural Health Clinics hit a huge milestone this summer by crossing the one-thousand members mark! To celebrate this occasion, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone involved, reflect on the growth of NARHC, and talk briefly about the future of our association.

The Fight to Modernize the Rural Health Clinics Program
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
As I hope you are all aware, we are working extremely hard to pass the Rural Health Clinic Modernization Act through Congress. This legislation will modernize outdated RHC rules and raise the cap or upper payment limit on Medicare reimbursement for rural health clinics.
RHC Modernization Act Introduced in the House
5/16/2019 12:00:00 PM
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Reps. Adrian Smith (R-NE-3), Terry Sewell (D-AL-07), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA-05), and Dave Loebsack (D-IA-2) introduced the Rural Health Clinic Modernization Act, H.R. 2788. This legislation provides regulatory relief for Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and updates Medicare reimbursements to independent RHCs. The 4,100 RHCs nationwide provide essential primary care and preventative services in rural and underserved areas, either independently or aff...

Rural Health Clinics Modernization Act Advocacy
As you know, one of the key reasons the National Association of Rural Health Clinics was founded, was to represent the RHC community in Washington, D.C. We work hard to ensure that new rules and regulations coming out of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are feasible and fair for rural health clinics.

Federal Grant Opportunity for Rural Health Clinics
Image Credit to Kratom IQ
4/10/2019 4:00:00 PM
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
The Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) will be releasing a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for a new Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) initiative called RCORP-Medication-Assisted Treatment Expansion (HRSA-19-102). HRSA plans to invest approximately $8 million in rural communities as part of this funding opportunity.

RHC Modernization Act Introduced by Senator Barrasso and Senator Smith
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
NARHC is pleased to announce that Rural Health Clinic Modernization Act has formally been introduced. We have been working hard to get this legislation introduced for the past year and it is nice to see our efforts pay off. But the job is nowhere near done!

What's New for RHCs in 2019?
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
Calendar year 2019 is here, and with it comes a flurry of new benefits and policies for Rural Health Clinics to keep track of. The following is a quick summary and update of what has changed and what is new for RHCs in 2019:

President Trump Signs Legislation to Combat Opioid Crisis
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
On October 24th, President Trump signed into law the "SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act." This legislation represents the culmination of bipartisan efforts to combat the opioid crisis gripping our country. In an otherwise partisan environment, the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act passed the Senate (98 to 1) and the House (396 to 14) with overwhelming bipartisan majorities.

NARHC Pitches Modernization Legislation On Capitol Hill
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
On September 20th, a small contingent of individuals from across the Rural Health Clinic (RHC) community and country came to Washington D.C. for a series of meetings with Congress on modernizing the RHC statute. This "fly-in" was organized and coordinated by NARHC as part of an effort to build support for legislation that we hope will pass this year or early next year.

CMS Seeking to Reduce RHC Regulatory Burden
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
CMS released a proposed rule on September 20th seeking to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens within the Medicare program. The goal of the proposal is to allow health care professionals to focus more resources and time on providing care by reducing regulatory requirements that might impede that.

CMS Proposed E&M Coding Changes Medicare RHC
What is NARHC Doing with Respect to the RHC Cap?
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
Q: The new Medicare payment proposals includes an option to pay a flat rate ($93 fee) sounds like what we already have as an RHC with our AIR. That proposed rate is higher than the current cap for the AIR for Ind. RHC's. If this goes through, what would be the point of continuing as an RHC for Medicare? A: It is an interesting question and one that we (NARHC) leadership and staff have discussed... ...What is NARHC doing with respect to the RHC Cap?

CMS Requests Palmetto GBA Indefinitely Delay Its' Plans to Auto-Cancel Claims
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
Palmetto GBA and CMS have received a number of inquiries from providers and their representatives concerning provider appeal rights as well as information on how impacted providers may re-bill responsible MA plans. CMS is working to address these concerns and provide information to MA plans that will help them be better able to identify any rebilled claims from providers. So as to afford the agency with the time needed to develop complete guidance on these topics, CMS has requested...

CMS Proposes New "Virtual Check-In" and "Remote Evaluation" Benefit for RHCs
CMS released their thousand-plus page 2019 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule. One major takeaway for RHCs is the proposal of a new “virtual check-in†service.
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
Despite the fact that Rural Health Clinics are not paid under the physician fee schedule, significant updates and changes for the RHC program are often included in the Physician Fee Schedule rulemaking process. Yesterday, CMS released their thousand-plus page 2019 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule. One major takeaway for RHCs is the proposal of a new "virtual check-in" service...

Palmetto Recoupment One-Month Filing Extension of "Improperly" Paid Claims
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
Yesterday I expressed my disappointment that the most recent posting by Palmetto regarding challenges to the recoupment notices did not reflect an understanding we had reached with CMS last week. Specifically, that RHCs would have until mid-August to file reconsideration notices for recoupments they felt were in error. I communicated to CMS officials our disappointment with the posting and that it did not reflect what CMS said they would do. Yesterday afternoon, I received an update...

Update on Palmetto Recoupment of "Improperly" Paid Cliams
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
Last week I had a meeting with senior leaders at CMS to discuss the efforts by Palmetto to recoup monies they believe were improperly paid by Cahaba for Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in MA plans at the time the services were rendered. When that call ended, I believed we had an agreement... ... Late yesterday I was given an update - put out by Palmetto - that does NOT reflect the agreement I felt had been reached...

Palmetto Recoupment Update
Meeting Scheduled with CMS
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
As you know from my previous posts, NARHC continues to work on the Palmetto recoupment problem. To say that this is a mess would be an insult to anything I've previously described as "a mess." While I appreciate efforts by Palmetto to be responsive, the options they seem to have available for a fair resolution of this problem seem limited. For this reason, we are taking this issue to the highest levels at CMS...

Palmetto "Outpatient Services Incorrectly Paid"
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
NARHC has been in contact with Palmetto regarding the letters sent to RHCs this month Re: "Outpatient Services Incorrectly Paid by Medicare for Beneficiaries under a Medicare Advantage Plan." Palmetto has informed us that additional communications are forthcoming on Monday, June 25th, which should address some of the concerns we have heard from the RHC community including:

Updates From Palmetto
We have been asked by Palmetto to share the following with the RHC Community. If you are not in the Palmetto service area, you can disregard this posting...

2018 MIPS Eligibility Tool
The CMS has released it's 2018 MIPS Participation Lookup Tool. You may use the updated Lookup Tool to check your eligibility in 2018 for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Rural Health Clinic providers can enter their National Provider Identifier (NPI) to find out if they're required to participate during the 2018 performance year.

New Medicare Card
Beginning in April 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will start mailing new Medicare cards to all people with Medicare. The roll-out will occur over a several month period based upon the geographic location of the Medicare beneficiary. You are encouraged to talk with your Medicare patients about this so they are aware of the transition and do not think that this is a "scam".
CMS Publishes AAPM Table (Advanced Alternative Payment Models)
Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a table displaying the Alternative Payment Models (APMs) that CMS operates. In the table CMS identifies which of those APMs CMS has determined to be MIPS APMs or Advanced APMs. We will modify this list based on changes in the designs of APMs or the announcement of new APMs. See the table here...
 Appendix G.jpg)
State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix G - (Guidance for Surveyors: Rural Health Clinics)
CMS recently released a new version of the State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix G. This document contains significantly more detailed interpretive guidelines for RHC survey and certification than the previous version. If you have questions on how to meet the RHC rules and regulations, this document will likely have the answers you seek.

National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services Recommendations
The National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services (NACRHHS), recently released their policy brief and recommendations on how to "Modernize Rural Health Clinic Provisions." The NACRHHS picks one or two issues a year and produces a policy brief(s) for the Secretary of HHS...

Laboratory Billing
A Program Memo issued by CMS (at the time known as HCFA) which addresses laboratory billing by both independent and provider-based RHCs, states: Laboratory In light of recent inquiries regarding laboratory services, we are clarifying whether diagnostic laboratory tests furnished in the RHC/FQHC by their personnel are covered RHC/FQHC services paid under the all-inclusive rate, or whether such services are beyond the scope of RHC/FQHC services. While the law requires...

Essential Community Provider Designation
Are you an Essential Community Provider (ECP)? Most Rural Health Clinics will answer that question with a resounding YES! But for many Health Plans sold on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Exchanges, the answer is often a resounding "maybe." Why, because many RHCs have failed to petition for ECP designation...

RHCs Serviced by Cahaba
As you should have heard, Cahaba has lost their contract as a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for Jurisdiction J (JJ) (Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee). The new contractor for MAC Region J (JJ) will be Palmetto GBA. Jurisdiction J (JJ), in addition to handling Medicare Part A and B claims for the three states mentioned above, was also the "legacy" MAC for hundreds of RHCs located outside of Jurisdiction J (JJ). This is a link...

Emergency Preparedness
November 15th is fast approaching and all RHCs must have taken steps to be in compliance with the new Emergency Preparedness requirements CMS will begin enforcing on that date.

MACRA Proposed Rule for 2018
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
Last week, CMS released their 1,050 page MACRA proposed rule for calendar year 2018. The big proposed change is an increase in the low-volume threshold for participation in MIPS to $90,000 (up from $30,000) of Medicare allowable revenue or 200 (up from 100) Medicare part B patients. This proposed change should exempt most RHC clinicians from the MIPS program. As a refresher...

NARHC Website has New Look + Increased SSL Security
The NARHC Website has a new look & feel plus additional SSL security! We hope you like it!

RHC Guidelines & Emergency Preparedness
Please note that the RHC Guidelines & The Emergency Preparedness have undergone some recent changes. Check them out on our website.

NARHC Addresses Senate Press Conference
The National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) was invited to speak at a Senate press conference on rural health hosted by Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM). NARHC President John Gill stressed the important role Medicaid plays in allowing RHCs to provide care in rural communities...

Raising the RHC Cap?
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
A question was posed about the prospects for raising the RHC cap and when this might occur. Raising the RHC cap requires an Act of Congress as the cap is set by law. The current cap is an extension of the RHC cap established in 1988 ($46.00 per visit) adjusted for medical inflation over the intervening 29 years. Obviously it is very out-of-date...

Policy & Procedure Manual Template
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
Below are some options. I would strongly recommend that you use these as templates. Also, please note that the P/P manual in the "How To" publication is getting old and likely needs to be updated but it will still give you a sense of how you may want to proceed. It is extremely important that the P/P manual be a reflection of how YOUR RHC intends to practice and see/treat patients.

Are Visits to an SNF by an RHC Provider an RHC Visit?
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
Recently, an NARHC News listserve participant posted a question/concern regarding a comment she heard during a webinar conducted by the Medicare MAC - Noridian. The commenter stated that the representative from Noridian stated that visits to a SNF by an RHC provider were not RHC visits and should be billed on the 1500 claim form and not billed on the UB-04. If correct, this would constitute a significant change in CMS policy (as well as the Medicare statute). NARHC contacted...

Updates from Cahaba on RHC Claims
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
ALL RHC Medicare claims - whether "single line" or "multi-line' MUST have the CG modifier on the "pay" line. If a single line, the CG modifier goes on the single line with the HCPCS code for that RHC visit. If multi-line, then the CG modifier goes...

CG Modifier & Cahaba
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
As many of us know, beginning October 1, most RHC Medicare claims (with a few exceptions) were required to have modifier CG on the claim. While we (NARHC) communicate billing updates through this listserv as soon as we learn about them, this is ultimately a responsibility of each MAC to communicate these updates to their jurisdiction. NARHC staff has discovered...

Election First Take Analysis
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
The following is our quick analysis of the election for your reading pleasure. NARHC will also be creating a more RHC-centric analysis and sending that out sometime next week via List Serve...

2017 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule – RHC Provisions
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
While many of you were probably watching the Chicago Cubs win their first world series since 1908, we at the NARHC, were diligently reviewing the 2017 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule for RHC related provisions. These provisions are effective as of January 1, 2017. You can find the final rule here...

RHC Guide to the MACRA Final Rule
We understand that there are a lot of questions and interest around MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act) especially around the specifics of how it does and does not affect RHCs. We have put together the following Q&A to address many of the relevant aspects of the final rule for RHCs.

CG Modifier
Bill Finerfrock, Executive Director
CMS has produced an FAQ document that addresses many of the questions/scenarios relative to the use of the CG modifier that have been raised on this listserve. I strongly encourage you to review this document.

HCPCS Reporting
Nathan Baugh
Hopefully everyone is aware of the HCPCS reporting changes set to kick in next week. The best place to review those changes is HERE. We also wanted to clarify a few things regarding these changes...

HCPCS Reporting Requirements Starting Oct. 1st
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
CMS recently released a new MLN Matters article detailing the new HCPCS reporting requirements starting on October 1, 2016. The article can be accessed HERE. As expected, we will no longer have to deal with a qualifying visit list. Instead...

2018 Essential Community Provider List & Petition
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Qualified Health Plans (QHPs), are required to include essential community providers (ECPs) that serve predominantly low-income, medically-underserved individuals in their networks Rural Health Clinics are eligible for designation as ECPs. As part of the Plan Approval process, the Secretary Health and Human Services (HHS) has established...

2017 Physician Fee Schedule Updates
Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs
On July 6th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2017 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rule. This is one of the major annual rules CMS uses to announce proposed changes to the Medicare program. Most notably for RHCs, this year’s PFS makes numerous changes to the RHC Chronic Care Management (CCM) requirements, including changing the supervision requirement that we believe are welcome and should make it easier to implement CCM services.