New to NARHC? Click here to download an application!

Have you had a membership in the past that has lapsed? Click hereto fill out an online application!

IF YOU WANT TO RENEW AN EXISTING MEMBERSHIPIf you are the Primary Contact for your organization, and would like to renew your current membership, you may do so after November 9th by logging into your user account then clicking on My Profile. Once in your profile you will be able to access the link to your organization's invoice. For your convenience, NARHC will also be sending renewal emails to the Primary and Billing Contacts for your organization. 


If you are considering whether your clinic or health organization should become a member of the National Association of Rural Health Clinics it is important to know the benefits gained by becoming a NARHC member.

For most RHCs 84% of the membership fee is allowable as a business expense on your cost report. The other 16% goes towards lobbying in Washington D.C. Below are the benefits of being a member of NARHC. 

  • NARHC advocates for RHCs in Washington. On Capitol Hill with your Members of Congress, or in meetings with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), we are diligently fighting to see that the unique needs of the RHC community are recognized and included in all legislative and regulatory policies. The more members that belong to NARHC, the stronger our voice is and the bigger impact we can make.

  • Free Benchmarking for Member RHCs.

  • Free NARHC Academy courses: Introduction to RHCs & Becoming an RHC - All Things Considered

  • Discounted NARHC conference registrations (up to $100 per person).
  • Discounted Certified RHC Professional (CRHCP) course registration ($150 per person).

  • Exclusive discounts with our vendor and consultant partners!

  • Access to members-only website sections.
    • FAQs
    • Sample Files (forms, checklists, and surveys)
  • Access to members-only webinars.
  • The Bill Finerfrock Health Policy Fellowship! As a member you may apply for this exciting opportunity to make a real impact on rural health policies. Click here for more information. 

  • Policy development opportunities: Be at the forefront by serving on the Board or various NARHC committees.

Contact Us to find out more about our organization. 


  1. RHC First Time Member Discount: The first time your RHC has ever been a member with NARHC receive a $200 discount off the regular rate for the first year of membership.

  2. Applying for multiple RHC memberships? Pay the regular rate for the first member and $130 for each additional clinic (a $320 discount).

Click Here for an online membership application. To check to see if your organization is already a member call us at 866-306-1961. If enrolling via a downloaded membership application or have questions email or mail applications paid by check to:

2 E. Main St.
Fremont, MI 49412.


  • FREE Publicity: Consultant NARHC Members may contribute articles to our News page and our members-only quarterly newsletters. Content must be educational and not self-promoting.
  • Access to members-only sections of the NARHC website: Resource Center, FAQs, etc.
  • Access to members-only webinars.
  • Networking opportunities with RHC providers, policy-makers, & other vendors.
  • Discounted Attendee Conference Registration ($100 off per person)
  • Discounted CRHCP Course Registration ($150 off per person)
  • FREE 2nd chair when exhibiting at our conferences ($400 value).

Consultant Membership Application