RHC Data Formally Launched
In August 2024, the National Association of Rural Health Clinics Research and Education Foundation formally launched the website www.RHCdata.org. The goal of the website is to provide national level data to policymakers, researchers, and the RHC community to better inform the general public about the Rural Health Clinic program. Data on the website include:
1-CPT codes billed to Medicare
2-Analysis of RHC openings and closures
3-RHC Cost Report Data
The REF partnered with the Maine Rural Health Resource Center, the National Center for Analysis of Healthcare Data, and Wipfli to provide these data to the general public.
Scholarships to Support Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Education in RHCs.
In the Fall of 2024, the National Association of Rural Health Clinics Research and Education Foundation will pilot scholarships for NP and PA students. The Board is currently assessing ways to offer additional scholarship opportunities in 2025.
The Research and Education Foundation was established in 2021 to:
(A) Further the public interest by conducting or promoting research and the role RHCs play in improving access to quality health care; public policy issues affecting Rural Health Clinics and their ability to provide quality health care and the economic viability of Rural Health Clinics.
(B) Provide financial support to Medical students and/or residents, Physician Assistant students or Nurse Practitioner students or such other health professionals deemed appropriate by the Foundation Board, seeking to undertake clinical rotations in federally certified Rural Health Clinics.
The REF is a 501(c)(3) subsidiary of NARHC incorporated in Michigan.
Interested in donating to the Research and Education Foundation? Donate here!
2025 REF Board Members
Bill Finerfrock
John Gill
Barry Martin
Kelsey Beggs-King
Elliot Myers
Elizabeth Ellis
For more information please contact REF Executive Director, Sarah Hohman, at Sarah.Hohman@narhc.org.